Friday, December 12, 2008

Number 86 Surah At-Tariq (The Night Comer)

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

1. By the heaven, and At-Târiq (the night-comer, i.e. the bright star);

2. And what will make you to know what At-Târiq (night-comer) is?

3. (It is) the star of piercing brightness;

4. There is no human being but has a protector over him (or her) (i.e. angels incharge of each human being guarding him, writing his good and bad deeds, etc.)

5. So let man see from what he is created!

6. He is created from a water gushing forth

7. Proceeding from between the back-bone and the ribs,

8. Verily, (Allâh) is Able to bring him back (to life)!

9. The Day when all the secrets (deeds, prayers, fasting, etc.) will be examined (as to their truth).

10. Then will (man) have no power, nor any helper.

11. By the sky (having rain clouds) which gives rain, again and again.

12. And the earth which splits (with the growth of trees and plants),

13. Verily! This (the Qur'ân) is the Word that separates (the truth from falsehood, and commands strict legal laws for mankind to cut the roots of evil).

14. And it is not a thing for amusement.

15. Verily, they are but plotting a plot (against you O Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam).

16. And I (too) am planning a plan.

17. So give a respite to the disbelievers. Deal you gently with them for a while.